Are you fitness

1. Approach during a break
Never approach someone at the gym while he/she is doing exercises and counting. It will lower your value, you will distract them and usually you will not get much attention. Approach people in the gym only between their series, while they are on break and maybe while their are warming up.
Exception: You can approach a girl if you both do the same exercise next to each other and this exercise doesn’t involve weights or counting. A good example is the Treadmill or the Spin Bikes.

2. Situational Openers are OK
You can use situational openers, they are working fine, you can use other material too, it doesn’t really matter so much. It’s day game, and what really matters is how you are going to continue the conversation after the opener. You must continue with something different and interesting and at the same time you this must happen very fast because usually you don’t have time, you are either going to lose her attention or she will just continue with the training.

3. Don’t go direct
Unless you see huge indicators of interest, don’t go with direct approach. Yes, there are girls who go to fitness gyms just to find some strong guy to have sex with, but their number is very low. Most girls go there to improve their bodies. You are not going to achieve a lot this way, especially when there are other guys there who go direct with compliments, date offers and sex offers.

4. Use negs and have good mood
Use negs be nice at the same time. Don’t insult her, just make some comments on something she is not doing ok (you will always notice something). And be friendly and smile.

5. Move her to different place
It’s not easy to move from the gym to the bedroom, simple because it’s difficult to build comfort there. The good news is, usually there is a coffee shop near the gym, or at the gym. Just go together somewhere else, somewhere you can build comfort.

It’s not so difficult to pick up girls at the gym, just practice, make your adjustments, take action and enjoy!